What are Caption and Caption Variable? (For Campaign Creator)


By definition, captions are information that can be included in photo frame posts on social media. As one of the key elements of a campaign, captions usually contain words that reflect additional calls, endorsements, or messages used to describe supporters' enthusiasm for the campaign. Supporters who have high enthusiasm for campaigning can use the use of captions as a means of expressing support by personalizing it.

Supertwibbon provides a feature on the caption that lets you give your personal touch (a simple example of giving your name) automatically. This feature is called Caption Variable. To make the most of this feature, you need to understand more about Caption Variable and how it works.

Caption variable

Perhaps you've seen a campaign caption in the middle that's given a blank column so you can write down your Name, or maybe from which instance you're from, and as a result, make the caption look more personal, like the following example:

A blank field that the supporters can fill in that particular text is called a Caption Variable.

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