Step 1: Log in to your Supertwibbon account.
Step 2: After logging in, you should be on your profile dashboard and you'll typically find a "+ New Campaign" button. Click on this button to start the process of creating a new campaign.
Step 3: Create your own campaign link in the campaign-url column. This link is useful if you share your campaign later.
Step 4: Enter your campaign title in the Campaign Title column.
Step 5: Describe your campaign in the Campaign Description column by writing about, for example, the theme of your campaign, the purpose of your campaign, etc.
Step 7: Upload your photo frame to the Campaign Frame column by clicking on the Upload photo section, or you can also drag your photo there.
Step 8: Add a catchy caption to the Caption column. Participants can use your captions to share your campaign on their social media.
Step 9: Click Start Campaign!, and your campaign will be uploaded to the Supertwibbon main page.
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